Can Germ Theory really be 100% correct?

Terrain Theory has become a talking point recently, after being spoken about by medical professionals, scientists and health enthusiasts in the wake of the current pandemic. A quick search for Terrain Theory on the Internet provides a Wikipedia entry of ‘Germ Theory Denialism’. I’m taken aback: why would something be defined by what it isn’t?
A deeper dive tells us that Terrain Theory is on par with doctrine espoused by many respected health gurus. The premise is based on the environment of the host, meaning that disease cannot flourish in a healthy body. If a fish is sick, you clean the water that the fish swims in. Germ Theory treats the symptoms of the fish and ignores the dirty water.
Modern Western medicine is based on Germ Theory. We have accepted it into our narrative in the same way we have embraced taxes and war. It just is. Most of us have never considered any alternative explanations this side of medical school, and perhaps not even then.
Germ Theory posits that we become ill when infected by microorganisms in our external environment. It makes sense; there is a whole industry built upon it. On further investigation, we find that Germ Theory was debunked in 1918 when the Boston Health Department failed to infect 300 healthy patients with the Spanish Flu; they could not intentionally replicate the virus.
It is said that not a single virus has been proven to exist, and that in order for a virus to be correctly identified, it has to be isolated, reproduced, and shown that symptoms develop in line with expectation (Koch’s Postulates). This has reportedly never taken place.

In 2017, German microbiologist Dr Stefan Lanka offered €100,000 to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. There was an initial claim but it was overturned by the Supreme Court due to the composite nature of the evidence – meaning it was a faked image, made from different components of damaged cells. You’d think medical students and rookie scientists would be falling over themselves to claim the money, but they weren’t and have not been able to do so.
The work of Antoine Béchamp may offer an explanation. Using high-magnification microscopes, Béchamp was able to see bacteria and other material coming out from cells (endogenous), rather than entering them (exogenous). Furthermore, he suggested that illness is the body’s way of ridding itself of toxins and is the result of a weakened immune system. His findings were largely ignored or suppressed by the mainstream but other scientists have since picked up where he left off. (see footnote)
Béchamp was a lifelong rival of Louis Pasteur. It was Béchamp who brought the process of fermentation to understanding but his ideas were stolen. The French Academy of Sciences accused Pasteur of plagiarising and suppressing Béchamp’s work. As a result, Pasteur enjoyed greater commercial recognition as he was credited with the bacterial discoveries that catalysed medical advancement in the late 1800s. He was instrumental in bringing Germ Theory to the front lines of modern healthcare. Microbes and pathogens were identified and drugs and vaccines were created to combat them.
The Flexner Report of 1910 (funded & published by the Carnegie Foundation) further imposed microbe medicine on the masses and sought to rid the world of ‘quackery’. Medical schools were forced to follow strict rules in terms of what they could teach and if they didn’t comply, they were shut down. Naturopathic practitioners were discredited and pushed out of the system. Prior to the report, medical schools had a choice about what they could teach and even taught naturopathic methods. Afterwards, there was no choice. It was the Flexner rules or nothing.
The new way was one of research laboratories and drugs. Industrial giants funded studies and medical schools were affiliated with universities. Of course, excellence in science is not the same as excellence in care; pharmaceutical success is judged by profits, not by the amount of people it has helped or cured.
Hippocrates, often considered the father of modern medicine, is quoted as saying: “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has”.

During the current pandemic we’ve heard of those with existing conditions not faring so well. Some people have had mild symptoms; some have been in bed for a while, and others have truly suffered. Why is this? If Germ Theory were 100% correct, then surely we would all have the same response. Germ Theory does not account for many diseases – cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and degenerative and chronic conditions. There is clearly a gap in the conventional wisdom of how our bodies work and why we become ill.
Naturopathic practitioner, Dr. Robert O. Young, believes that one origin of common modern disease is chemical poisoning, which invades our bodies from myriad sources – air, food, water, vaccines, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, all of which do not come from nature. All are man-made, denatured or altered in some way.
There is a lot to be said for living a healthy lifestyle: getting out in the fresh air, exercising, drinking pure water and eating lots of fruits and vegetables; it makes us feel better, cleaner and more vital. Too often, we are lazy and want a quick fix for our ailments so we take a tablet and outsource responsibility for our health to medical establishments. We want it to go away all by itself, as if by magic, but making changes to our diet, forming better habits and eliminating toxins in our internal environments may be a better place to start to restore our bodies to optimum health.
For more information on the science behind Terrain Theory, check out the work of Antoine Béchamp, Raymond Rife, Günther Enderlein, Gaston Naessens and Archie Kalokerinos.
(c) Louize Small, November 2020
This article appears in December's edition of the Light Newspaper
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