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Marie Curie, The Cancer Act, and the Legacy of Raymond Rife...

Writer's picture: Louize SmallLouize Small

We’ve all heard of Marie Curie and her prize-winning contributions to science but not many of us know who Raymond Rife is. Perhaps that is because the Cancer Act of 1939 made it illegal for treatments and cures to be advertised, offered, or discussed outside of official circles, unless by state-approved mouthpieces.

The 1939 Cancer Act was designed to guarantee that the nation had adequate provision for cancer treatment with radium-based radiotherapy.

Marie Curie discovered an effective method for treating tumours with gamma radiation but the radium required for the therapy was rare, a chore to extract, and very expensive. Supplies were squandered and the government of the day wanted to ensure sensible, appropriate use. A Royal Charter was established to provide funds for radium procurement and the Radium Trust (along with others) was appointed treasurer and trustee.

Radium was all the rage in the early twentieth century; it was promoted as healthful and healing and appeared in fashionable lotions and potions around the world. It wasn’t known at the time just how harmful it could be.

Curie had heard that Emil Grubbe had successfully treated cancer with x-rays so she speculated that gamma rays could be used to produce similar or superior results, so she set to work in her lab. By 1930, radium centres were commonplace, but suspicions arose about the toxic effects of the new treatment.

Senator John D. Works had raised concerns in the US Senate in 1915, stating that radiation made cancers worse and that the belief held by doctors that radium could cure cancers was a delusion.

In the early 1920s it emerged that women working closely with radium in a clock factory had become severely ill and disfigured due to radiation-induced tumours.

American Billionaire Industrialist Eben Byers was a famous casualty of Radithor, a radium-infused health elixir. He suffered terribly with multiple disfiguring cancers and died within five years of his first dose. He drank the potion three times daily and the poison accumulated to a fatal extent. An autopsy showed that there was enough radiation in his body to kill three men.

Both Grubbe and Curie met their demise through excessive exposure to radioactive materials. Grubbe made it to 85 riddled with tumours but Curie died of Leukaemia / Aplastic Anaemia at the age of 66 in 1934 — the same year that Raymond Rife successfully cured 16 terminally ill cancer patients in a hospital trial.

Rife’s treatment used electronic frequencies to kill disease. Such was his talent that he built a microscope capable of 60,000x magnification and was able to observe how bacteria and viruses behaved unlike ever before. He discovered that each microorganism had its own frequency and that, like an opera singer shattering a glass with her voice, the frequency emitted by each microorganism would be obliterated by a strong blast of a corresponding frequency. Since the frequency only affected the microbes it resonated with, other cells were left unharmed and there was no danger of overdose. It was ground-breaking. There was a huge banquet held in his honour to hail the ‘end of all disease’.

Insurance companies were happy to fund Rife, provided that he gained approval from the International Cancer Foundation. The secretary of the foundation stipulated conditions that Rife considered distracting so the treatment wasn’t approved. Rife’s team flourished regardless and he found sponsorship from a local businessman. They worked hard to find irrefutable evidence and solid statistics, as they knew they were up against massive resistance from the mainstream medical moguls.

Morris Fishbein of the American Medical Association made Rife an offer in 1938. The offer was turned down and within weeks and Rife's laboratories were burned to the ground. In June that year, Rife was indicted on charges of medical fraud. During the trial, Rife’s network were contacted and told that if they didn’t stop using their machines, they would lose their medical licenses. One doctor had his license revoked but most handed their equipment in and turned their backs on Rife and his invention. Two were found dead in suspicious circumstances and the others would later claim that they didn’t even know who he was.

It’s a similar tale to that of Stanislaw Burzynski and his anti-neoplaston treatment. Burzynski chose to work with some of the hardest tumours to treat — childhood brain tumours — and achieved remarkable results. At a young age he discovered a naturally occurring peptide that was present in healthy people but absent in cancer patients and developed a successful treatment based on his findings. In 1983 the FDA sought an injunction to stop Burzynski using anti-neoplastons in his practice; it was turned down and Burzynski continued his work, though he was continually harassed by the FDA. Like Rife, he had patient files confiscated and suffered constant interference in his work. He has been in and out of the courtroom, supported by many witnesses who are living testament that his methods work. People who were failed by the orthodox medical system found healing with Dr. Burzynski.

Then there's the double-edged sword of (the only remaining part of) the Cancer Act of 1939. While the government no longer needs to ensure the supply of radioactive material for the treatment of cancer, the advertising clause of the Act still applies: there can be no advertising of cures, remedies, or treatment for cancer outside of the government-permitted channels. While this protects us from charlatans, it also prevents us from hearing about alternative remedies from knowledgeable, experienced practitioners.

Perhaps we’d like to hear about methods of healing that exist outside of the conventional ‘cut, burn, poison’ paradigm. The difficulty is that not enough official statistics exist for these approaches because they are rarely (if ever) subject to huge, expensive trials and results tend to vary from person to person.

Not only did Royal Raymond Rife cure cancer but he also found the Mortal Oscilliatory Rates (MOR) for polio, tuberculosis, bubonic plague, anthrax, and 20 other microorganisms. imagine the threat he—and others like him—posed to the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry! Scientists today are piecing his work together from the scant remains of his research and Rife machines do exist but are hard to find.

While it is challenging and time-consuming to sift through the mountains of information available to us when faced with life-threatening illnesses, we should be able to discern the best course of action for ourselves, which requires uncensored access to information other than that which bought-and-paid-for governments and self-appointed authorities wish to spoon-feed us.

(c) Louize Small, One Little Warrior, January 2021

This article appears in issue 6 of The Light paper.

All Rights Reserved

*For more information on Raymond Rife and his work, read ‘The Cancer Cure That Worked: 50 Years of Supression’ by Barry Lynes.

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